Pr Web LogoWriting a Press Release for your company may seem like an expensive and time consuming way to gain attention to your business which it normally is. However, you can create and submit a Press Release to an online distributor like or for an inexpensive price of $89 minimum (can go up to $499). Not only will this press release be distributed to hundreds or thousands (depending on the package your purchase) media specialists but it will also generate high quality links for your website. Not only are those benefits great for generating additional traffic to your website, which lead to conversions (sales, inquiries) but from an SEO stand point you have also created a social media buzz and important link to your website. Having high quality links from trusted websites like or will increase your own websites trust with search engines therefore increasing rankings. You are basically telling search engines that your business is making it to the big leagues.

Here is a screen shot of one of my clients conversion goals when the press release was submitted.

SEO results with press releases

As you can see there is a huge spike in goal completions generated from the Press Releases submitted on Monday September 10th. The number of goals (sales) doubled from the highest point and quadrupled during the low points almost for the entire week. Since our clients have seen a lot of success from submitting online Press Releases we are now going to include submissions into our SEO strategy. We want to help our clients achieve success online and we will do anything that we can to provide results.

I have researched a lot of competitor link profiles and found that competitors ranking in the top 3 positions of Google usually have a high quality link from a trusted website or a press release distributed through prweb and prnewswire. These kinds of authority links are what separates websites from being able to acquire highly competitive keyword rankings and low competition keyword rankings. Since the more recent search engine updates you can’t simply build a massive amount of links from low quality websites to make up for not having a trusted authority website linking back to you. It may seem to expensive and difficult to send out a Press Release due to the regulations but thinking of the long term effects far exceeds that hassle of submitting a Press Release. Plus, if you are too busy or don’t want to write a Press Release you can give us a call and have a Press Release written and optimized for your keywords/website then submitted to prweb or prnewswire. The quicker that your press release is distributed the faster you will receive more trust and rankings with search engines.

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